Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Still Sucks To Be Me

Still Sucks To Be Me: The All-True Confessions of Mina Smith, Teen Vampire (Maybe) By Kimberly Pauley

In Still Sucks To Be Me, Mina's family has just been discovered to be vampires, by someone sure to reveal their secret. Therefore, Mina's family must, a) Change their name, b) Fake their death, c) Move out of town, or d) All of the above. If you chose d, you are correct! Mina must move away from her best friend, and her boyfriend, who she has suspicions of possibly traipsing off to the beaches in Brazil with his absent parents, who she thinks is probably thinking, "Mina...who?"

When she moves to Louisiana, her family is greeted by two over-eager moms. One of which has a son Mina's age, and absolutely will NOT take no for an answer, specifically regarding the homecoming celebration dance. When the son, Grady, takes Mina to a party,
his friends treat her like she's some trophy they all want to win. Fortunately, Cameron, one of the only vampires in Cartville, Louisiana, rescues her, and takes her to a much needed blood-bar.

When Raven, the girl who discovered Mina's family...issue arrives, things go into major chaos.With the help of Cameron, George, (the forever-absent boyfriend) and Mina's smuggled best friend, Raven is going down.