Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Twilight By Stephanie Meyer

Twilight: say this title to most girls, and they will begin with "Team Edward!" or "Team Jacob!" I have just one thing to say about this: why isn't there a Team Bella?

In the first book of the four part series, Bella has just moved to Washington. She goes to her new school, and immediately has two friends, a super-clingy crush, and, while she's at it,a mysterious guy named Edward, which we all know about. The book is pretty well written, for what critics have said, but I think that sometimes, you disagree with the main character. In my case, (and many of my friends)I can't really see the reason why Bella (and the Twi-hards) think that Edward is so attractive.

One of my friends (whose name will remain anonymous said, " I just don't get Bella's attraction to Edward. Why would you want to touch someone who is ice-cold? Then again, touching a furnace isn't too nice either. Maybe she should just fall in love with a mortal . . ."

And from a different point of view, (who will also remain anonymous) " Why does everybody expect people to either love or hate twilight?? I mean its a stupid book so why does everybody give such a crap??? I don't care for it... don't hate, don't love."

Good point, Anonymous Person Number Two. Why does everybody think that you have to either like Twilight, or hate Twilight? I, for one am on the fence about it. I will have to read the whole series in order to fully GET it.

I give this book a 3.5 *** 1/2